Mbatha Mlambo Trading is a closed corporation that was incorporated in South Africa in 2005.
Its registration number is 2005/184101/23. The company is a closed corporation and is 100% black owned. The partners are full-time service directors, managing the operations on a daily basis.
Mbatha Mlambo Trading has its head office at number 41 Shelton Avenue, Harmelia, Edenglen 1429. However it has placed required number of staff members at where our clients have operations.
our Experience
Redefining the Way
We Move
Mbatha Mlambo Trading (MMT) started a simple cleaning services company and was based in Chiawelo, Soweto cleaning cars and other cleaning contracts with only two staff members. In 2008 the company changed location and moved to Bramfischer Building in Johannesburg Central as the business was growing.
In 2011 the business acquired a contract with 2 major car rental companies in Johannesburg, hiring of more operational staff to handle the drastic increase in business volumes.